Sunday, September 21, 2008

9/21/2008 Grass Seeding Update / Fall WOW Supreme Application

I spent most of the weekend reseeding the places in the sod that didn't make it. As usual, it took a lot longer than I thought it would. Places where the grass didn't make it include: area under the magnolias, area on the slope near the maple, area where Mark staked down the blue tarp to protect the patio area from rain and killed the grass in the process, area where Mark decided to clean his bike, do some epoxy work and killed the grass. GRRRRRR...

I've had bad luck w/ grass over the years. Most of the places I've tried to reseed were in the front yard under the River Birches where there is lots of competition from the tree and not a lot of shade. Despite several attempts, the areas I tried to renovate in the front never took, so I'm not optimistic about my luck in the back. I did all the things you're supposed to do - removed the dead grass, raked up the top 1/4 inch or more of soil, chose the appropriate seed (chose a dense shade mix from Pennington - these areas aren't in dense shade, but the area in front I'm going to attempt to reseed is in dense shade, so I'm hoping it will work in both places - I don't see why not - my understanding is that grass only tolerates shade and prefers sun - so I think it ought to take all other things being equal. I covered the seeded areas w/ topsoil and then w/ straw. In retrospect, I'm realizing now that I didn't apply any fertilizer. I'm hoping I can go over that area w/ the spreader and I'll use some of the Gro-Green stuff that I've had sitting around forever. Once it gets watered in that should get it off to a good start. I'm going to try hard to document how it goes for future reference.

In my gut I have a terrible feeling I've just wasted the entire weekend seeding grass that will never live and I think,"If only I could grow liriope from seed or get someone to let me have some of theirs - I could replace all the grass there w/ liriope or other ground covers and never worry about it again!!" Though now that I visualize it, maybe liriope is too tall. Maybe the smaller mondo grass is what I really need. I wonder how to propogate that? I know it spreads slowly. That's what I'd really prefer to have there. I really prefer to have no grass whatsoever - just groundcovers and stepping stones!

Here's photos of what I've got so far.

I think germination should take 7-10 days. In the meantime I'll sprinkle it twice a day to keep it wet and there after water it every week. Not sure what happens once its cold - do people water new lawns once it's winter weather outside?? My plan will be to keep it well watered as long as possible.

Also, fertilized the front yard w/ WOW Supreme! This time I did just one 20# bag and part of the another 20# bag. This should have gotten me 1# of N per 1000 sq ft. While I was spreading I noticed that the chickweed has already sprouted. Seems

like every year I'm probably too late. To get the weed inhibiting effects timing is crucial since the
corn gluten only works pre-germination. Really should've applied WOW on labor day weekend. Remember this for next Fall!! Apply the WOW earlier, Kendra!! Labor Day and Valentine's Day really are probably the ideal times to apply!

Did a bunch of weeding on the slope in the back yard. Here's a photo of the spot where the patio is supposed to be - covered in weeds and flooded w/ water.

Have to say that mulching the front bean in the Spring time w/ other people's yard debris (I mowed over it!) really kept the weeds down well in the front yard. I need to keep the mulch fresh on the back slope and side yards until I have time to get stuff planted there. Need to get stuff established in all my weedy spots so I have less weeding. My parents did a really good job of that in their yard. They do mulch every year, but I don't think they weed like I do because they have groundcovers everywhere and plantings.

I hope to someday have an established landscape that looks nice. I do enjoy gardening, but so far it feels like most of the time I spend is mowing and weeding and not actually caring for plants and admiring my beautiful landscape. I hope to someday get to that point! I hope to keep with it and do something every year to improve things a little bit while keeping things up. I do know from associating w/ other Master Gardeners that many of them spend A LOT of money on plants and that's not something I've done up until now. Eventually, I'll have to spend some money if I want to fill in all my empty spaces. My goal is to establish some new beds/plants every year!!

Remember, this is supposed to be fun, Eleanor! Seems like I spent a lot of my gardening time fantasizing about living in a condo or in a house in the middle of the woods w/ no yard work!! Sometimes gardening just feels so futile! Spend all this time planting grass or weeding only to have all that time not amount to anything because the grass didn't take or to spend a lot of time weeding only to have the weeds grow back. There must be lessons to learn from these things! Maybe I need an attitude adjustment.

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