Monday, May 18, 2009

5/18/2009 For the record...

I worked a bit more today on clearing debris off the rear hill in the backyard where the azaleas are. I also dragged out the backpack sprayer and sprayed RoundUp on the back hill, the location of the patio to be, the verdant kidney bean, along the side of the house that's a total mess, along the shade bed, as well as the driveway area. Trying hard to keep the weeds to a minimum this year. We'll see how that goes!

Need to find some cardboard and get to mulching under the areas where I will someday put more shrubs in the front yard (as if I didn't already have enough areas ready to go in the backyard I suppose). Maybe I should start back in there in the Fall w/ more shrubs? Probably best to finish the wall and patio first and then plant. Wonder how many years that will take??

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