Thursday, May 28, 2009

5/28/2009 Update

Okay, the castor oil thing doesn't seem to be working as far as I can tell. There are still little vole holes everywhere and new ones everyday. I think I will reapply when I get around to it since I already bought it.

Also, yesterday I found two small Oakleaf Hydrangeas growing near the area where I walk Woody in the woods. I probably never noticed them before because they just started blooming - very beautiful w/ large, cone shaped flower clusters and gorgeous oversized oak shaped leaves.

I'm thinking of digging one of them up and planting it in the yard. =:0 I know this is a no-no. But I can give it a good home where it will be loved and appreciated!! Who is going to appreciate it planted there in a dumping grounds where it very will may get plowed over. I'm actually saving it - like stray dog!

They are native plants I believe, but I've never seen them growing in the wild before. It's in an area where people dump stuff - so maybe someone dumped it or maybe it's just a volunteer. They supposedly can take more sun than the other hygrangeas (macrophylla) and can also tolerate a lot less moisture w/o wilting - which my other one does all summer long during the heat. Will be interesting to see if it lives if I take it. They like well drained soil, so that could be a problem. Maybe I can add some sand into the soil along w/ some rocks to keep the voles out.

I still have more plants to get into the ground from PDN and more mulching to do. I've been sick - so that hasn't exactly helped. Haven't started on the wall either!

There was something else I was going to post about, but I seem to keep having senior moments. It really is all downhill after 35 isn't it? Sux.

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